Really stupid...

If an idea is good, it's on the verge of being stupid. ~ Michel Gondry

I have always had this theory… get a group of people in a room, throw out a bunch of ideas and at the end of the night, look at your list to find the most idiotic and that's the one you should do.

This blog was spawned from one very stupid idea - run the Leadville 100. I gave that a shot in the summer of '07 - completed 73 miles - and survived. The blog lives on...

RunStuRun has moved to

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

And I described him, with adjectives...

What's the story with that dog? ~ Lily Braden

Yesterday: Nuttin'
Today: Hike - neighborhood, ~ 1hour
Tomorrow: Ride - somewhere fun, 2 hours?

So last night, when I should have been out training or something, I was standing in our kitchen and Rage was sitting on the couch, in front of our living room window, minding her own business. As I looked past her, out past our deck to our lawn, I saw the biggest, funniest-looking dog I had ever seen stick his head out past the edge of our house. "Damn," I thought, "that is one, funny looking dog." (See, I TOLD you that's what I thought.) Then, as my mind finally registered that this was no ordinary dog, I said, "Hey Rach, there's a bear behind you." And there was. Good times.

I was unable to get any great shots of Skippy, but the rest of the album can be seen here. He wasn't bothering anybody and didn't even hop on the deck and demolish our bird bear feeders. So that was nice.

Other that that, I am just taking it easy, trying to figure out how to taper, and attempting to manage my stress. And actually doing a decent job of each. I was in meetings all day yesterday at GroundFloor Media and had another client meeting in Boulder this morning. Then I got my hairs cut so I am no longer a shaggy dude. Soon I will be again I can assure you. Seems that it is always growing back at an unmanageable rate.

So just a little over 2 weeks to go until the big day. I published my Crüe guide (work in progress) and got the final couple of orders of stuff I'll use during the race from Patagonia and Zombie Runner. Now I just need to organize, get my final grocery shop on and I'll be set. I am feeling pretty fit and am actually really excited to run. I think all this time off will benefit me in the long run. Sure, I could have gotten some more training in and it would have been nice to actually run each section of the course, but I am really itching to run now, and that can't be a bad way to head into this event. I think not being sick of running is probably a great place to be when you are toeing the line at the start of a hundred miler.

So tick, tick, tick. It's getting close.

Calm blue ocean.


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