Really stupid...

If an idea is good, it's on the verge of being stupid. ~ Michel Gondry

I have always had this theory… get a group of people in a room, throw out a bunch of ideas and at the end of the night, look at your list to find the most idiotic and that's the one you should do.

This blog was spawned from one very stupid idea - run the Leadville 100. I gave that a shot in the summer of '07 - completed 73 miles - and survived. The blog lives on...

RunStuRun has moved to

Thursday, December 18, 2008

An even dozen...


A person shall not drive a motor vehicle in the passing lane of a highway if the speed limit is sixty-five miles per hour or more unless such person is passing other motor vehicles that are in a nonpassing lane or turning left, or unless the volume of traffic does not permit the motor vehicle to safely merge into a nonpassing lane. ~ CRS 42-4-1013

Day 12 was the best thus far. Snowing all day. Lots of great, untracked pow. Tomorrow is going to just be fabulous. And no... people still haven't learned how to drive.



Charlie said...

I enjoy your blog. I check in often. Just thought you should know.

Stuart Swineford said...

Thanks, Charlie. We aim to please.

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